Sunday, September 27, 2015


How to Eliminate Fear and Make Money in the Federal Market

FEDERAL FEAR FACTORS is a new Kindle book I've create to address certain specific issues as to why architects and contractors should examine the Federal Market.


OVER THE LAST TEN YEARS, consistent business has been difficult for many industries, particular construction. Many companies have had a very difficult time surviving.
 Ironically, there were companies that actually did quite well during this time period. When these companies are examined, two noticeable traits emerge.

One, these companies are planners, meaning they used strategic, business and marketing plans to give them an organized tactical approach to the market. Their use of these plans often signaled market changes far earlier than their competition who didn’t use the business planning process, as certain key business indicators outlined in their plan were not met raising red flags.

For example, if directors and manager were having difficulty meeting their annual objectives, then something might be happening in the market impacting their business. This allowed their company to react far faster to seek market niches that had signs of stability. There will be more detail on the planning process later, but it’s clear that business planning (does your company have a strategic, business and marketing plan, and was your business and marketing plan updated this year?) is a very important part of the process. As we shall also see, planning is a key component of entering and being successful in the federal market.

Second, as we know, many very good providers of AEC services and products are absolutely terrified of the federal-military market, both domestic and International. They’ve heard about the problems, and the paper work, and the hassles, so they leave this market to others.

Consider the following, when one thinks about it, very often, just down the street from a contractor who has “federal fears” is another contractor who regularly wins federal projects. It’s a market they enjoy and profit in on a regular basis. They don’t talk about it much, because maybe, just maybe, it’s their little secret. It’s their competitive advantage.

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Why are some companies scared of the federal market and others not?

There could be many answers to this question, but it basically comes down to this one CONCEPT; what do they know that you don’t know? The purpose of Federal Fear Factor is to discuss these ideas and concepts so you start to understand that the federal/military market can become part of your corporate strategy.

As a business planner in the federal market, and as a strategist helping companies grow and profit, I’m approaching examining the federal market this from the point of view of my capabilities in business planning. To develop the information needed to communicate these issues, I sought counsel with one of the leading, if not the leading consultant in the federal market.

I was pleased to interview Marc Pacino of Ambiente Federal Services, LLC, Ambiente Federal Construction Group, and Anthem Federal Consulting, LLC with offices in Las Vegas, NV, Ventura, CA, Honolulu, HI, Barrigada, Guam, Tokyo, Bangkok.

We discussed a number of issues dealing with the federal/military market. Marc has had enormous success in the federal market and knows exactly what a company should do to become successful. 

As a team Member with Marc Pacino, COMPASS Consultants collaborates on various planning documents needed to enter the federal market. Business plans and other positioning documents are a critical part of the “federal footprint” process. I include Marc Pacino’s corporate experience here so that you quickly understand the enormous knowledge base he has, and how together we can help you become successful.
For More Information, GO TO: 

Saturday, September 26, 2015


The following article on Strategy is part of a new book to be published in 2015.

Essential Tactics You Need To Know about Marketing, Business Development, Business Planning and Strategic Planning. for “Contractors, Subcontractors, Design/Builders, Construction Managers, Architects and Engineers” by Ronald A. McKenzie All Rights Reserved. Copyright© 2015

SEVENTY: What Does Strategy Really Mean?
The Difference Between Leading and Following

In my book on business planning titled Successful Business Plans for Architects I wrote that the term “strategy” is closely associated with military terminology, meaning what an adversary might or might not do. In fact, a dictionary defined strategy as follows:

  1. The overall planning and conduct of large-scale military operations
  2. The art or skill of using stratagems as in politics and business
  3. A plan of action
Likewise, stratagem is defined as a maneuver designed to deceive or surprise the enemy. For our purposes it’s best to say that strategy is a plan of action used to achieve an objective with a given resource. In other words, strategy is related to the goals and objectives and, hence to the mission statement.
It’s also important to understand that there are many strategies and many plans of actions within a given company. Strategy is a name given to a process when addressing a plan of action to accomplish and objective or a goal. To complicate matters, the words strategic and strategy are used in different parts of the plan. For example, you might have a brilliant corporate strategic plan, and a plan’s advertising program is labeled “strategic advertising plan.”
If you think of strategy as a process as opposed to a magical answer, it begins to help you understand the planning process.


“Many companies could improve their competitive positioning by developing more of a strategic approach to their business. What can you do different that creates value and a demand for your services.”